what is an addict?

a person who is addicted, particularly to a harmful drug
She is an alcohol addict (alcoholic).
He is a drug addict.
They are chocolate chip cookie addicts.
An addict is a special person who is chosen by the almighty universe–one of universe’s chosen ones–chosen to suffer great traumas and many struggles, in order to recover from addiction and emerge strong enough to pass along his or her learned wisdom and positive energy to the rest of humanity and back into the universe.

Because addicts love what they are addicted to more than anything or anyone else, they typically hold onto false beliefs until they hit bottom and are forced to face the reality that the love of their life does not love them at all.
Every year, 150,000,000 suffering
addicts hit bottom around the world and decide that it’s time to become a recovering addict.
Until a suffering drug
addict or alcohol addict (alcoholic) hits bottom and decides to become a recovering addict, and then learns from an addiction recovery sponsor how to become a non-relapsing recovering addict, his addiction will inevitably spiral down to either jail/prison, a mental institution or an early death; and, somewhere along the way, relapsing addicts always end up losing their jobs, all of their friends and lovers, and, finally, their families give up on them too.

having a biochemical addiction; devoted to or obsessed with something
She is addicted to chocolate chip cookies.
He is addicted to sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.

a state that is characterized by compulsive drug use (alcohol is a drug) or compulsive engagement in rewarding behavior, despite negative consequences; a habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one’s life but when ceased causes trauma.
His addiction caused him to lose everything he valued, including his life.


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