why GetAFuckingSponsor.org?

Six years of in-the-trenches addiction recovery research with actual addicts like me found that the #1 reason drug addicts and alcohol addicts (alcoholics) relapse is their failure to get an addiction recovery sponsor. The GetAFuckingSponsor.org™ + TheAddictedPlanet.com™ websites + associated Quora Q&A = the world’s first and only online addiction recovery sponsor based on actual addiction recovery research. It’s the best way to defeat addiction relapse–so far–so you don’t die early.

Addicts almost never get help until they hit bottom and decide for themselves that they have had enough and it’s time to recover from addiction–or a judge forces them to do something. Most drug and alcohol addicts isolate themselves from others and really don’t like being around other people, particularly in places like 12-step meetings, in Old Rehab or worse: we don’t like being around normie friends and family who don’t speak our language and have no clue what it’s like to be an addict.

Interventions do nothing but cause more frustration for everyone. Most 12-step sponsors are actually preachers with a spiritual agenda that promises faith in Christianity will fix your addiction problems. Spending 28 days in rehab almost never helps an addict to stay clean and sober for very long after an addict completes 28 days of Old Rehab medical treatment. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), “every year 11 percent of Americans with substance use disorder seek treatment and between 40 and 60 percent of those people relapse within a year.” Eventually 90 percent of addicts relapse, simply because it’s impossible to learn how to stay clean and sober during a 28-day Old Rehab stay and they don’t get an addiction recovery sponsor who will teach them what they need to know in order to recover from addiction.

Every year worldwide, 150 million drug addicts and alcohol addicts (alcoholics) hit bottom and decide that it’s time to stop putting whatever they are addicted to into their bodies—147 million of whom eventually relapse.

Every year worldwide, 135 million addicts decide to try to recover from addiction without any addiction recovery treatment or program—132 million of whom relapse within 12 months.

That’s called “white knuckling”. White knuckling doesn’t work.

No one drives a car without first learning from a driving instructor (or a parent or friend) how to drive a car. Everyone understands that it would be crazy to let anyone drive a car who has not first learned how to drive a car. Yet, nearly all addicts try to transform themselves into non-relapsing recovering addicts without first learning from an addiction recovery sponsor the practical ins and outs of what works and what doesn’t work for a successful recovery from addiction. That’s crazy!

The GetAFuckingSponsor.org website contains evidence-based life-saving suggestions on how to get clean and sober, how to stay clean and sober and why getting and staying clean and sober is worth the effort–to become a happy recovering addict.

Because addicts love what we are addicted to more than anything or anyone else, we typically hold onto false beliefs until we hit bottom and are forced to face the reality that the love of our life does not love us at all and may, in fact, be trying to kill us. Until a suffering drug addict or alcohol addict (alcoholic) hits bottom and decides to become a recovering addict, and then learns from an addiction recovery sponsor how to become a non-relapsing recovering addict, his addiction will inevitably spiral down to either jail/prison, a mental institution or an early death; and, somewhere along the way, relapsing addicts always end up losing their jobs, all of their friends and lovers, and, finally, their families give up on them too.

TheAddictedPlanet.com website teaches addicts factually instead of treating addicts medically or expecting adherence to Christianity will help you stay clean and sober.

If you can afford it, going to rehab is a nice thing to do if all you want is a place to chill out for 28 days while you make a plan for what you’re gonna do with the rest of your life. But it’s cheaper and much nicer to get a suite at a fancy hotel and drink iced tea with your addiction recovery sponsor there by the pool every day for 28 days instead.

Alcohol addicts must detox under medical supervision, due to the risk of seizures and death. Drug addicts should consult with a medical professional to determine what, if any, detox is required. During my 4-year period working in a residential drug and alcohol detox and treatment facility, I learned that physical detox from meth is never medically necessary and opiate detox is really tough without medical support.

I live in Texas where 1) driving under the influence (DUI) leads to jail, 2) possession of the smallest imaginable amount of illegal drugs is a felony and 3) illegal possession of legal drugs is a either misdemeanor or a felony depending upon the quantity of drugs in possession at the time of the arrest. Before I got clean and sober, the great State of Texas charged and jailed me 8 times for drug and alcohol offenses. Also, as a result of my 6(!) concurrent mental illnesses that I suffered from as a result of my addiction, I also experienced on 2 occasions what it’s like to be involuntarily detained by a Texas State judge in a psychiatric facility. Finally, I know exactly what it feels like to be in the process of dying, because there is only so much a Level I trauma center can do for you when you put too much of your favorite drug into your body. Needless to say, I got lucky on that one.

After 42 years of being either drunk, high or hungover every single day, I finally woke up on November 20, 2015 under the Lancaster Avenue bridge in downtown Fort Worth, Texas carrying with me all of my remaining worldly possessions in a brown paper bag. I have been clean and sober for almost 7 years now, because I got a good education from my wonderful addiction recovery sponsor (rest in peace Felix P) on how to defeat relapse and not die early. If I can get clean and sober and stay clean and sober, you can too. I am so happy and satisfied with my life now that I can’t remember the last time I had a bad day.


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