180 House
There’s no place like home
After I woke up under
the Lancaster Avenue bridge
in downtown Fort Worth Texas
on November 20 2015
I checked in to rehab
for my one and only
time through rehab
60 days later
on January 20 2016
this very lovely saint
picked me up
and drove me to
Abilene Texas

to meet her
less lovely husband saint
at the
honest and benevolent
180 House
half-way house
in Abilene Texas

which they starting operating
29 years ago
after they got clean and sober
All I had left was
the clothes on my back
an Obamaphone
a drivers license
a social security card
I had no money
They gave me
a place to stay
all the food I could cook
They told me to
go to a 12-step meeting
every day
They told me to
get a sponsor
They told me to
get a job
So that’s what I did
because I did not
want to
go back to living
under that bridge
There is no better place
than this place
to stay clean and sober
get your act together
and not die early
just as long as
you don’t mind
being around
a couple of saints
and a whole lot of
former sinners
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